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Friday, October 17, 2014

Adequately Managing Your Final Expense Leads

Being in the insurance industry can be both a challenging and rewarding experience for everyone involved. For people who specialize in final expenses life insurance, finding quality leads gets harder and harder each passing year. In general there are a variety of ways to get Final Expense Leads, but none of them are more successful than hiring a company to gather the leads for you. This will allow you to get quality leads without having to take on the frustration and stress that comes along with obtaining them on your own. Here are a few tips on how to adequately manage the leads that you get from the company you have hired.

Everyone on the Same Page

In order to effectively manage the sales leads that you have coming in, you need to make sure that everyone on your staff is on the same page. You need to consider making up a handbook on do’s and don’ts of sales leads so you can make sure that everyone on  your staff is getting the same information. If everyone is moving forward as a cohesive unit, then you will be able to convert your leads much easier than if everyone was just doing their own thing.

Information Gathering
The first thing that a person generally does when calling a prospective lead is to gather vital information on them. You need to speak with all of the members of your sales team to ensure that they know what information to get out of a prospective customer. The last thing you want to do is overload the lead with questions because this may be a turn off to them and could cause you to lose their business. You want to keep it short and simple the first time you contact a prospective customer and only gather the information you have to have in order to move forward.

Get Personal
When you first call a prospective customer, you want to make small talk with the in order to help create a personal relationship with that person. You need to make sure that you are friendly and engaging without being to forceful. By engaging a person in small talk, you will make yourself stand out among the competitors that you have. A more personal relationship will also help to increase the amount of conversions that you have and the growth in your customer base.

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