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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Closing the Sale with Medicare Supplement Leads

Medicare supplement leads are not always easy to work with. In sales, rejection is simply part of the game. You are sure to have your share of bad leads as well as prospects that are difficult to convince. Still, in this industry, leads are important, and they are a lucrative means of generating new business. Of course, you want to make the most of your prospecting, and this means being able to handle your leads and close your sales. Here are some important tips for success.

Loads, Capabilities, and ROI
Whether you buy leads or generate your own, don't take on more than you can handling. Weigh your load against your resources and capabilities, ensuring that your ROI actually outweighs your investment in the long run.

Fresh Leads
Old leads are obsolete. If your list has been sitting around for months waiting for you to come up with the time for prospecting, then you are wasting your time. Old leads are bad leads. Information and circumstances change, and you might find that what was once a potential customer is an uninterested party. Always use fresh leads. Keep your list manageable and work through your leads quickly to avoid wasted time and resources.

Lead Management
Utilize lead management software or companies. Effective management of your Medicare supplement leads allows you to better handle lead volume as well as resulting in more calls and a larger return on your investment. Whether you use software or outsourcing, you will better utilize all of your available resources, generating more sales while simplifying another important aspect of your life and business.

Attention to Detail: More Than a Phone Call

Contacting Medicare supplement leads involves more than one simple initial phone call. Every salesman develops their own system and routine, but a key component of every strategy is following up with each Medicare supplement lead. Call your prospects, gain their trust and interest, and call them back. Check on them, motivate their interest, and attempt to close the sale. Face to face meetings are highly recommended as well. It is always important to follow-up, monitor, and refine your leads.

Closing sales does not have to be complicated. However, with Medicare supplement leads, you are working with a large group of often skeptical, vulnerable, or weary prospects. Success lies in your approach. A friendly, knowledgeable, honest salesman who shows care and concern is more likely to close a sale than one who does not follow up and only shows passion for the bottom line. Managing your leads is about far more than a prospects list. It's about balancing your resources and capabilities and utilizing your skills and experience to win the customer and close the sale.

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