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Monday, June 25, 2012

Video Domination

Video Marketing Domination

Google loves videos.  They even bought YouTube, the worlds largest video sharing site.  Create and "optimize" a video correctly both inside and out, and it can reach the front page of Google in record time.

Our video domination package is designed to do just that.  We will rank a clients videos that we build, on the front page of the big search engines much like the organic search domination, except with the video and it's thumbnail image as a line item. 

These videos are inexpensive to the client and will showcase their business much like a mini commercial.  Each video has a direct link to the clients website at the bottom of the video.  Other than the video itself, the link is the first thing a customer sees. 

What We Do

We build a keyword list comprised of up to 200 keywords and keyword phrases.  

NOTE THAT NOT ALL CLIENTS WILL HAVE 200 KEYWORDS.  Some may have 135, 166, 188 etc.  200 is the target, but not all industries have that many. 

Using that keyword list, we begin to create and optimize videos.  Each video is optimized for multiple keyword phrases.  Our video domination package includes UP TO 10 new videos to cover that list of keywords.  We create a YouTube channel for the client and, we continue with the video making process until we have ranked the customer for at least 100 of the keywords and phrases on the list.

Additionally, we place links to the videos (when necessary) to a network of over 1,000 blogs.  Each blog acts as a one way link to the video and this can be an important part of the optimizing and ranking process for videos.

A client can expect faster rankings with video.  It can take as little as a few days for a video to get to the front page of Google, however this is strictly dependent upon the competition for the clients industry and city.  Some videos will rank front page within hours, some can take weeks.

In order for the videos to stay front page long term, we know that we must continue to update and enhance the listings via the customers video channel, and we do that on a monthly basis.  We continue (when necessary) to post  the video links to our blog network as well.  

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